On Jousting


I might be in the minority, but I enjoy jousting at the Argent Tournament.  While it doesn’t make much sense that my skinny little warlock arms could hold and aim a 20-foot lance on charging horseback — or that I would want to use such primitive methods — I embarked on a rigorous exercise program and have gotten pretty good at it.

I still don’t get to wear plate mail, though.  That kinda sucks.

I was going to share some tips with you on how to joust, but Keeva over at Tree Bark Jacket has already put together a comprehensive guide to knocking people off horses with long pointy sticks.  She describes my technique perfectly — it’s her Method 2:

  1. Get 3 stacks of Defend up.
  2. Talk to the NPC.
  3. As he runs away, spam Charge until it goes off.
  4. Swing around in an arc, and throw Shield-Breaker as you move back around to melee range.
  5. Get back into melee range and spam Thrust.
  6. Whenever the NPC walks away from you, back up and spam Charge until it goes off, then repeat steps 4 and 5.

Keeping 3 stacks of Defend up at all times is your priority.  The idea is simple — take less damage than you give out.  It is not quick, but you will win.

This technique works on both Valiants, Champions, and even Boneguard Commanders.  Against the Scourge your attacks do substantially more damage than they do to you, so the key is just avoiding additional mobs, just like normal PvE.  There are always a few Commanders at the top of the stairs if you have trouble finding a group for the Battle Before the Citadel.

The rest of Keeva’s article and accompanying video is worth a look if you’re having problems jousting.

Also, don’t forget that Outfitter has the ability to let you mouse over a mount and automatically equip a Lance.  This saves a lot of irritation in the long run, so if you use Outfitter (who doesn’t use Outfitter?) check out the Argent Tournament options.

Now if only we can get flying jousts…

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Filed under Cynwise's Battlefield Manual, Links

One response to “On Jousting

  1. strumpet101

    My second day of jousting as a valiant, I was MUCH better than my first day. I’m hoping I’ll improve … good tips up there … and I use outfitter but had not realized about the AT options! Thanks!!